History is Gay Coloring Page: Dolly Wilde & Natalie Clifford Barney

Dolly Wilde & Natalie Clifford Barney thumbnail (thin frame).jpg
Dolly Wilde & Natalie Clifford Barney thumbnail (thin frame).jpg

History is Gay Coloring Page: Dolly Wilde & Natalie Clifford Barney


We’re raising money to support Black trans folks and bringing you things to keep you occupied in quarantine!

For a $2.00 donation, you’ll get a download this page so you can color some scenes of our favorite stories and humans featured in History is Gay episodes, and then share your completed masterpieces with us on social media using the hashtag #HIGColoringBook!

100% of proceeds will be donated to The Okra Project, a collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing home-cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People wherever they can reach them.

This page depicts Dolly Wilde, the virulently lesbian niece of Oscar Wilde, and Natalie Clifford Barney, the queen of the Parisian lesbian circle, or as we like to call it, an Ourobouros of Gay. You can learn all about them both in Episode 18: “Girls Gone Wilde”.

This page was illustrated by Leah Noble:

Leah is an illustrator, a huge book fanatic, and a hundred percent a disaster gay. They are a recent graduate with a degree in Studio Art and a minor in Animation. Currently, they are working on creating a queer webcomic about witches, and wish to continue making content for younger queer audiences. When they aren’t drawing or writing, Leah is most likely curled up with her cat Spoons reading a book.

You can see more of Leah’s work here: https://leahthenobleart.wixsite.com/porfolio

Twitter: @leahthenoble
Insta: @leahthenoble

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